Environmental pollutants and our skin

Every day our skin is exposed to environmental factors that Bombard our face with pollutants . We can’t see them however trust me they are their . I am not even talking about UV radiation from the Sun , that’s another ballpark .
Just imagine constant bombardment of tiny almost invisible particles caused by traffic and buildings or around smokers, that are hitting our face going almost unnoticed . Pollutants can clog our pores and even worse give us a nasty reaction that can lead to redness or even worse serious outbreaks and sores .
Even pollen from the air can react to our skin and cause problems .

The effects are subtle in the main so no need to go outside in a bubble suit quite yet . Sometimes we can see the damage pollutants do depending on our exposure . Usually in a very busy city with constant traffic fumes exposure.
Our skin is the biggest human organ and is pretty remarkable in how it regenerates and repairs however…….
We can do more to help protect it . A good moisturiser is key to having that protective layer to support the defence against the battling of those horrible pollutants . We should see a moisturiser not only as a post shave product or for Anti-ageing but for also helping to protect our skin . Pollutants can cause our skin to dry out and this alone causes flakiness and redness or worse .
Look for a good Moisturiser with antioxidants in the ingredients . Ours has some great natural extracts that do the job . From Prickly pear to Vitamin E and anti oxidant Blackcurrant. However we would always ask you to do your research on what best suits you . Mens skins never adds fragrance to our products or dyes or chemicals . You can be assured that it is just the good stuff your getting . Well that’s why we started our journey . Our way . Next time you go out think about if you are giving your skin that little helping hand .

when you come home from your day what’s the first thing you do ? Well one of the first should be to give a face a quick rinse even if it’s with just tepid or cold water . This makes a huge difference . Love to hear your experiences of environmental pollutants . See you on my next Blog .


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